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Polish chapter of the World UAV Federation

Poland is at the globe's forefront, one of the leading countries which support the drone-based services industry's development. Poland's unmanned aerial vehicles market has developed extremely dynamically. This uptrend is owed to legal regulations which favour the technology development and boost creation of new crewless aerial vehicles applications. 


The official opening of the Polish Chapter of World UAV Federation was held on 20 September 2020 during the International Global Drone Conference.


The Polish Branch of the World UAV Federation objectives:

* Information and knowledge dissemination; facilitation of information exchange regarding technology and thus bringing manufacturers, government authorities, universities, research and development centres, domestic ministries and EU agencies together.

* Coordination of promotional, educational and regulatory activities concerning unmanned flying systems (UAS) and their commercial and scientific applications

* Creation of the cooperation platform whose goal is to match-make and make the best use of entrepreneurs', institutions', local government units' and business-support organisations' potential

* On-going and close cooperation between science and business on the national and international arena

* Involvement in joint research and implementation projects

* Support and care for young entrepreneurs

* Promotion of the safe use of unmanned systems

* The discussion forum whose objective is to develop common industry's positions.

* Information exchange related to current events in the country and the world



President of the Polish Chapter of the World UAV Federation - Andrzej Mochoń PhD.


The Polish Chapter of the World UAV Federation operates within the Targi Kielce structures. Our Exhibition and Congress Centre organises over 70 international trade fairs charter every year. Targi Kielce is Poland's second-largest expo centre; it also comes third among all Central and Eastern Europe's exhibition centres.   The AVIATION EXPO is one of the expo events we organise.

Polish light aviation has been continually growing; every year over 30 new machines are registered.  Not only are aeroplanes owned by private persons. More and more companies opt for these modern and comfortable means of transport. Poland has become one of Central and Eastern Europe's largest sales market for all kinds of aviation services.  Therefore our part of continent based producers have the opportunity to present their offer at Kielce show and demonstrate the whole aviation industry's strengths and high specialisation.

Producers and distributors of garments, equipment and accessories join the expo to showcase their comprehensive portfolios.  The Kielce EXPO also welcomes schools and HEI,s, aviation clubs, associations and organisations.  Airport and landing-strip owners, airline repair companies and similar will also join the exhibitors' list.  Industry magazines and portals find the expo a must-attend event.

 In addition to the exhibition, the AVIATION EXPO offers yet another the advantage - lectures, conferences and meetings related to the aviation industry, air traffic, and the modern general aviation and aviation industry.  An elite, selected group of aviation professionals and business insiders have already delighted the audience.








Each year, the trade show is accompanied by two international conferences considered Poland's most important industry meeting of this type.


For over a quarter of a century, Targi Kielce has been a power-house in face-to-face meetings, the economic barometer as well as the platform to exchange experiences.  Every year the Kielce exhibition and congress centre is the home for 75 trade fairs and more than 700 events of a different nature. Targi Kielce is where you can meet  7,000 exhibitors and over 260,000 visitors.

Targi Kielce is one of Poland's two trade fair and exhibition market leaders.  Targi Kielce - facts and figures - 90,000 m2 of exhibitions space including, the 36 000 m2 of indoor space in the 7, fully equipped Exhibition Pavilions.   The Kielce exhibition and congress centre's flagship exhibition is the International Defence Industry Exhibition visited by almost 31 thousand visitors.  

For many years Targi Kielce has also been the meeting-point for aviation industry; the annual Aviation Expo has been the air-industry one-stop-shop which combines presentations of the latest technological solutions but also offers participants the chance to join industry conferences.

Poland is at the globe's forefront, one of the leading countries which support the drone-based services industry's development. The Polish drone market has been vibrantly developing - its advancement has been fuelled with the legal regulations which favour technological progress and creation of new applications for unmanned aerial vehicles.

In 2020 Mr Andrzej Mochoń PhD. was appointed the President of the Polish Chapter of the World UAV Federation. The official nomination will be presented on 20 September during the second Aviation Expo day.

The Kielce exhibition and congress centre's comprehensive offer and the latest industry information can be found at www.targikielce.pl



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The first Technology & Law for Aviation Conference

The first, 2019's conference on Law For Aviation focused on aviation laws and airports.  The President of the Management Board of LOTOS-Air BP, Mr. Maciej Kowalski explained fuel sales rules and regulations at his presentations devoted to aviation fuels status for air transport - legal challenges.  The speakers list included, inter alia:   Sebastian Magadzio - President of the Board Airbus, Monika Strzelec - Expert on Navigation at PLL LOT SA Jehan Christophe Charles - CS Group. Joanna Wieczorek - Aviation Law Expert - Dentons Europe moderated the panel discussion.

The second day focused on Unnamed Aerial Vehicles.  Global Drone Conference, which was graced with the presence of the Chairman Mr Jincai Yang generated an avid interest not only of industry insiders but also of UAV users. The meeting was truly unique because the operators were offered the most up-to-date knowledge dose straight from specialists. Legal issues, insurance and the drone business certification, were discussed. The conference participants had the chance to participate in lectures on PANSA UTM - how airspace is digitised,  Global development of FlyTech - UAV for export,  Unmanned Air Systems at PGZ,  Drone in Geodesy, Drone Laws in a nutshell - practical tips on how to fly, Drones in the power industry and anti-UAV systems.  The lectures were delivered by inter alia  Tomasz Gugała- PGZ, Joanna Wieczorek, Sławomir Strzykowski, Krzysztof  Wysocki as well as business-expert from home and abroad.


